Alcohol Detox and How It Can Save Your Life

Government statistics from a few years back suggest that as many as 7% of adults in England and Wales demonstrate some symptoms of alcohol dependence. That is an astonishing number. But consider this: those estimates are based only on reported cases. How many more people are alcohol abusers well on their way to dependence even though they have never seen a doctor or counsellor about their problem? It is scary when you think about it. This is why we are so passionate about providing alcohol detox help to those in need. The help we offer could very well save your life.

Alcoholism is a chronic problem that progresses over time. In other words, no one takes a first drink and then wakes up the next morning as an alcoholic. Alcoholism starts as alcohol misuse that gradually progresses to abuse and eventual dependence. It takes time to become an alcoholic. And in the progress of time, alcohol damages the body in many, many ways.

Alcohol detox is the first step in bringing alcoholism to an end. It is a kind of treatment that is critical to breaking the cycle of dependence that alcohol creates, a treatment that cannot be ignored if the alcoholic truly wants to fully recover. In simple terms, you are going to have to undergo alcohol detox if you truly want to bring an end to your drinking problem.

Alcohol Destroys the Body

The effects of alcohol on the human body are well known. First and foremost, alcohol affects the way the brain functions by interfering with the production and movement of certain brain chemicals. What makes alcohol so potent is the fact that the liver can only process so much alcohol at one time. What cannot be processed goes directly into the bloodstream where it can travel freely to the brain. The faster a person consumes alcohol, the more quickly the brain is affected.

Over an extended amount of time, brain chemistry can be significantly altered to the point where the alcohol abuser can no longer think properly. And because the brain is not functioning properly, some of the body’s other systems also do not function as they should. Meanwhile, alcohol is slowly damaging the liver, pancreas, and other parts of the body.

The only way to stop the progressive damage alcohol causes is to stop drinking. That’s the whole point of detox. A comprehensive detox programme separates the alcoholic from alcohol, thereby cutting off the supply. After a few days, the body is able to begin healing itself as much as possible.

It should be noted that some of the damage of chronic alcoholism may not be recoverable. Cirrhosis of the liver is but one example. Once cirrhosis sets in, it is not correctable. The disease may become so severe that the only way to save the alcoholic’s life is through a liver transplant.

Even without liver disease, alcoholics are statistically more likely than non-alcoholics to die at an earlier age. Chronic alcohol abuse reduces lifespan by contributing to a long list of other health issues that can eventually kill. The reality is that alcohol is not as harmless as it’s made out to be.

Where to Undergo Alcohol Detox

Admitting one has an alcohol problem and agreeing to undergo treatment is a good first step. But until detox is complete, the alcoholic is still very much at risk. Why? Because detox itself can create serious complications that may be life-threatening. This is why experts constantly say that alcoholics should not attempt to detox by themselves.

The withdrawal symptoms associated with alcohol detox can range from the mild to the severe. The big worry is something known as delirium tremens. Delirium tremens is characterised by the most severe withdrawal symptoms that include dangerous convulsions and visual, auditory, and tactile hallucinations that can cause patients to act in unpredictable ways.

We say all that to say this: where a patient decides to undergo alcohol detox is an important decision. The safest option is to accept treatment at a clinic that provides 24-hour medical supervision. This would mean a residential clinic in most cases. Where residential treatment is not possible, the next best thing is an outpatient treatment that includes daily monitoring by a registered nurse. The NHS offers this kind of detox at clinics all around the UK.

Where to Find Alcohol Detox Help

You know that chronic alcoholism could kill you. Now the question is whether you are ready to find help to overcome your problem. If so, you have a number of options. We believe your best option is to contact us on our 24-hour helpline or through our website. By making contact, you will gain access to trained and experienced counsellors who are experts in helping patients find and enrol in the best treatment programmes. Our staff can help you identify a detox programme that matches your unique needs. All it takes is a single call or a web inquiry.

A second option is to make an appointment to see your GP. Your doctor will perform a thorough medical examination followed by recommendations of how to address your alcohol problem. You may or may not be referred to an outpatient detox programme.

Your third option is to simply start contacting clinics on your own. The obvious downside to this option is that it can take a long time to find what you need. Quite frankly, you may not have that kind of time. If you have been abusing alcohol for months or years, your situation could already be critical. You need to undergo detox right away.

We work with private rehab clinics that have immediate space available. If you are willing to contact us today, it’s entirely possible you could be ready to undergo your recovery journey within 24 to 36 hours. Why not do so? The sooner you get the alcohol detox help you need the sooner you will be able to take your life back from alcohol addiction.

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