Why Is Cocaine Abuse Dangerous?

A government report issued in 2015 claims that cocaine use in the UK has quadrupled over the last two decades. Approximately 10% of those between the ages of 16 and 59 have tried cocaine at least once in their lives, making it one of the most used drugs and in the same league with alcohol and cannabis. But the drug has a serious side effect that makes cocaine abuse especially serious as compared to other drugs: its ability to produce intense cravings.

Cocaine abuse is a far-reaching problem that should not be taken lightly. In fact, there is no safe amount of cocaine to use. Just one dose is enough to produce feelings that are so intense that a user feels compelled to take another dose, and then another. Whether you know it or not, cocaine is one of the most addictive drugs on the market. Its ability to hook users is unparalleled by any other illicit substance.

As a confidential referral service helping cocaine addicts and their families, we have seen our fair share of people who began using the drug innocently enough only to find themselves quickly addicted. And once cocaine addiction sets in, this drug is also very difficult to kick. Kicking a cocaine habit is not impossible, but it is not easy either.

We urge you to consider contacting us if you or someone you love is using cocaine. We have access to the best treatment programmes and facilities in the UK, facilities specialising only in drug addiction and recovery. They are the rehab clinics best suited to help people kick the cocaine habit.

Cocaine Abuse and Recreational Use

Though cocaine does have a few limited medical uses, the vast majority of use in the UK is categorised as recreational. Furthermore, the fact that cocaine is an illicit drug means that all recreational use constitutes abuse. It is a drug you simply should not take, period.

Why is cocaine abuse so serious? Because of the highly addictive nature of the drug. Consider this: cocaine that is smoked or injected reaches the brain almost instantly. Just one or two drags from a crack pipe can have you feeling like you’re on top of the world. Nothing can harm you, you feel no pain, and you perceive life as just waiting to be conquered. The rush of cocaine is so powerful that very few people can resist it once they started using.

Something else to consider is that a lot of people use cocaine in order to increase the amount of alcohol they can consume. Because cocaine provides an instant energy burst, people beginning to feel the depressing effects of alcohol might take a hit of cocaine to feel better – so that they can keep on drinking. If you do this, you need to stop.

While it is possible to OD on cocaine alone, the vast majority of cocaine overdoses are the result of using the drug with alcohol. It’s a vicious cycle. Cocaine deadens the effects of alcohol and invites the drinker to keep drinking. But because the rush only lasts 10 to 30 minutes, it’s not long before the drinker starts feeling the effects of alcohol again. That leads him or her to take another hit of cocaine. This up-and-down cycle can send the heart and respiratory system into severe distress, eventually leading to death.

Availability, Affordability Make Abuse Easy

In trying to figure out why cocaine abuse has quadrupled over the last 20 years, the government did quite a bit of research to understand user habits better. They discovered something disturbing. Cocaine has become widely available due to the practice of cutting the drug with either sugar or other substances. Cutting cocaine allows dealers to make more money while also spreading the mountain of the drug they sell out over more doses. The result is more street-level cocaine available to the masses.

Along with cutting cocaine, dealers have also developed a two-tiered pricing system. The purest forms of the drug are actually rather expensive by comparison. But batches of cocaine cut as low as 10% are comparatively affordable. The average consumer finds the cheapest form of cocaine (crack) fits very easily into the monthly budget.

Increased availability and affordability have made cocaine one of the top recreational drugs in the UK. And as more people use it, more people get addicted to it.

What to Do about Your Cocaine Abuse

Now that you know how serious cocaine abuse is, it is time to deal with your situation. Do you use the drug? If so, it is time for you to seriously reconsider your behaviour. If not, are you visiting our website today because you are concerned about someone else? We can help you too. Just call our 24-hour helpline for more information about what you can do for the person you are concerned about.

Recovering from cocaine abuse typically starts with supervised withdrawal. Depending on how long the user has been taking the drug, residential detox may be necessary. Withdrawal or detox is then followed by psychotherapeutic treatments intended to help the patient prevent future relapse.

The biggest challenge to overcoming cocaine abuse is dealing with the intense cravings the drug produces. Cocaine is a stimulant that affects both the amount of dopamine in the brain and the way the brain’s dopamine receptors respond to the chemical. It is a potent combination that creates intense feelings of pleasure and, upon coming down from a hit, intense cravings as well.

It is those cravings that get most cocaine abusers in trouble. They can be so intense as to drive the user right back to cocaine in a very short amount of time. And the more frequently this happens, the more likely an abuser is to become an addict.

Your recovery from cocaine can begin right now if you’re willing to contact us. We offer free assessments, sound advice, and confidential referrals to private and public treatment programmes. If you are willing to call, we are ready to help.

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