The Reality about Crack Addiction Relapse Rates

When it comes to illegal drugs, crack cocaine is considered by many to be one of the most addictive out there. In fact, it is so addictive that it is possible to develop a dependency after just one use. Recovering from a crack cocaine addiction is notoriously difficult because recovering addicts tend to experience cravings for a long time. That is the reason the crack addiction relapse rates are so high.

What is Crack Cocaine?

Many people do not know the difference between regular cocaine and crack cocaine, so allow us to explain. Regular cocaine tends to come in a white powder form and is typically snorted. However, crack cocaine, which is the crystallised version of cocaine, looks like little crystals or rocks that make a popping sound when heated. Crack cocaine is smoked; as a result, the effects are almost instantaneous. Those who smoke crack cocaine will experience an intense high that makes them feel energetic and euphoric.

Effects of Crack Cocaine

The immediate effects of crack cocaine include dilated pupils, rapid heartbeat, raised blood pressure, muscle twitching, increased body temperature, loss of appetite, and inability to sleep. As well as feeling euphoric and confident, some users might become aggressive and suffer from mood swings. Others experience hallucinations, which can lead to intense paranoia.

Crack cocaine is available at much lower prices than regular cocaine, so it is often the drug of choice for addicts. It provides intense highs for little money, but the problem is that the effects do not last for very long. In most cases, the high will begin to wear off within ten to fifteen minutes, leaving the user with a strong desire to take more of the drug. It is not uncommon, therefore, for crack addicts to overdose.

Overcoming a Crack Addiction

It is extremely difficult to beat a crack cocaine addiction, but it is not impossible. The most significant issue facing those who want to conquer a crack addiction is the fact that many will also be struggling with addictions to other chemical substances as well.

Crack cocaine users usually take sedative drugs or alcohol in conjunction with crack as this serves to reduce the jitteriness often brought on by the drug. This can make detox and rehab more complicated. However, the first step on the road to recovery is detoxification.

Detox is the process of quitting all mood-altering substances and waiting until they have completely left the system before moving on to a programme of rehabilitation. Detoxing from crack cocaine is unpleasant, and most people will experience intense cravings for the drug as well as severe depression.

Early withdrawal symptoms include loss of appetite, insomnia, fatigue, and agitation. Over the next few days, the patient will be so exhausted as the body fights to get back to normal that the cravings may not be as noticeable. However, within a week, they will return with a vengeance and many recovering crack addicts will find that this is the most difficult time. After a few weeks, these cravings can be so intense that the patient can think of nothing else but taking the drug.

Crack addiction relapse rates are very high because many cannot overcome their urge to take the drug once the cravings begin.

Sadly, cravings can occur for a long time, and they often come like a bolt from the blue. It is essential that patients recovering from a crack addiction have been taught the necessary skills to cope with the cravings when these surface.

Tackling the Crack Addiction Relapse Rates

At, we understand the difficulties facing those with an addiction to crack cocaine. We want to do our part to reduce the crack addiction relapse rates by making sure that our clients can access the most suitable treatment providers based on their circumstances and requirements.

We believe that every patient is unique and deserves a treatment plan tailored to his or her needs; thankfully, so too do the staff at the many organisations we work with. It is an industry-accepted belief that not every addiction treatment will work for every single person. Just as every person is different, so too is the way that they are affected by addiction. What works for one person, may not work for another.

We would, therefore, urge patients who have been unsuccessful with a rehabilitation attempt in the past not to give up. We have helped those with even the most severe crack addictions to overcome their addictions, and we can help you too.

Avoiding Relapse

Crack addiction relapse rates are high because of the addictive nature of the drug as well as the fact that cravings occur periodically for a long time. Nevertheless, relapse does not have to mean a full blown return to addictive behaviour. Although we believe that a relapse is never inevitable, it is an important part of recovery for some people.

There are some who become even more motivated to stay clean after experiencing a slip-up. For these individuals, the relapse reminds them of why they wanted to get sober in the first place, and it is enough to keep them on the straight and narrow for the rest of their lives.

Nonetheless, some people must relapse numerous times before they are ready to stay clean for good. In the case of a crack cocaine addiction, it is essential to be vigilant to triggers and temptations. Being alert to things that could cause cravings to return is vital for those who want to overcome their addiction for the long-term.

Another thing worth pointing out is the fact that the memories of the adverse effects of a crack cocaine addiction often fade with time. Due to this, many recovering crack addicts will return to cocaine use years after quitting if they experience strong cravings. This is why crack addiction relapse rates remain high.

Accessing Help

If you have been struggling to quit crack cocaine or have tried rehab in the past but have been unsuccessful, call us here at We have experience in helping people with all types of addiction, and we can help you too. Our service is free, confidential and there is no obligation to sign up for treatment after we have made a referral.

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