Hereford rehabs

The UK’s #1 ADDICTION HELPLINE rehab live search shows every alcohol and drug rehab in Hereford. We will provide you will comprehesive information about each facility and help you make the most informed decision on what is best for your recovery.

Drug & Alcohol Rehab Centres in Hereford

Drug and alcohol rehab in Hereford are services that are necessary due to the numbers of people struggling with substance abuse and addiction in the area. These illnesses cause harm to the lives of so many individuals, and they have a negative impact on the wider community as well. However, every time that one person manages to overcome addiction, the entire community and the economy will benefit. It is our mission here at to ensure that everyone that needs it can access addiction services, regardless of their circumstances.

Alcohol and drug abuse lead to problems for the individual in terms of poor health, job loss and sometimes homelessness. For their families, it can result in the breakdown of relationships, domestic violence and poverty. In some cases, the addict will turn to crime to feed his or her habit, and this will have a devastating impact on the community. It is, therefore, essential that alcohol and drug rehab in Hereford are quickly and readily available for those that need it.

Are you struggling with an addiction to alcohol or drugs? Is your illness causing harm to your life and the lives of those you love? If so, you need rehab in Hereford – and you need it right now. Every day that you delay is another day you will never get back. Do not continue to give your life to addiction. By making the changes necessary for recovery now, you can start to get your life back on track. Call today for help.

Providing a Link to Rehab in Hereford

Finding a suitable rehab provider may sound like an easy task, but many people will find it time-consuming and overwhelming. We know how hard it can be to source that one or two providers of alcohol or drug rehab in Hereford when you really do not know what to be searching for.

The right rehab is the one that will suit your needs and circumstances, and there are several things to consider when choosing the perfect provider. They must be able to provide a programme that will be effective in treating the type of addiction that you have. It must be a programme that will suit your circumstances at home and work, and it must be a facility where staff have experience in dealing with any underlying health problems that you may have.

At, we take these factors into consideration before matching you to any rehab in Hereford. We want you to have a successful recovery, and we want to make sure you are completely comfortable with your choice of provider. To do this, we will work closely with you every step of the way until you are happy with the clinic you have chosen.

We are not a provider of drug or alcohol rehab in Hereford; what we do is provide a link between the individual struggling with addiction and the facilities that provide treatment for it. Our service is free, and all discussions between you and us will be completely confidential. Nobody will ever know you spoke to us unless you want them to know.

Get help for yourself, a friend or loved one.

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Call Now: 0203 553 0324

Call Now: 0203 553 0324

Reducing Harm with Alcohol and Drug Rehab

We know how hard it can be to overcome addiction; we also know the consequences of not trying. Substance abuse can damage mental and physical health and can lead to anti-social behaviour and the breakdown of the family. These are problems that will not go away on their own, and without treatment from professional counsellors and therapists, they are likely to get worse. If you continue with your addictive behaviour, your life is in danger of spiralling out of control.

Substance abuse can cause a host of problems for those affected, including:

  • mental health problems such as anxiety, depression, paranoia, schizophrenia and dementia
  • physical health problems such as liver disease, hepatitis, obesity, heart disease and cancer
  • relationship problems with family members, friends and even work colleagues
  • financial struggles caused by loss of income and the cost of funding the addiction
  • despair and isolation
  • loss of future hope.

The above problems are real and are felt by most people who fall victim to addiction. However, they do not have to completely spiral out of control. By doing something about your illness now, you have a chance to reverse much of the harm caused by it; and the best way to do this is with a fully comprehensive treatment programme that includes detox, rehabilitation and aftercare.


Featured Drug and Alcohol Rehabs in Hereford

There are various types of rehab centres available in Hereford, including inpatient alcohol rehab, luxury alcohol rehab, and private drug rehabs.

Luxury Alcohol Rehab


Private Drug Rehab


Inpatient Rehab


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    • Access to Hundreds of Drug & Alcohol Rehab Centres
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      Call Now 0203 553 0324

      Call Now 0203 553 0324

    How Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Hereford Can Change Your Life

    It is important that drug and alcohol abuse and addiction are dealt with in order to minimise the harm they cause to the community and to improve the lives of affected individuals and their families. With every member of the family affected by one member’s addiction to drugs and alcohol, it is often necessary for family therapy to be provided. This is usually part of a treatment plan for addicts recovering in a private residential clinic.

    Family therapy helps the entire family to heal and can assist with the task of rebuilding relationships. This will mean that when you return home after treatment, you and your family will be able to get back to some form of normality. It is unlikely that things will ever get back to how they were before you developed your addiction, but it is possible to create a new normal and one that might even be better than it was before.

    Overcoming addiction means a whole world of opportunity will open for you. By joining a local support group, you will make a whole new set of friends, and you will have the chance to really enjoy your substance-free life. Many recovering addicts will develop new hobbies and discover hidden talents they never knew they had. You will begin to see the world around you differently and will start to appreciate the people in it. You will learn to love yourself and others once more and will enjoy spending time with your family members and friends.

    For information on how rehab could change your life, contact today.

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    UK Addiction Treatment Group.

    We look forward to helping you take your first step.

    0203 553 0324