Thanet rehabs

The UK’s #1 ADDICTION HELPLINE rehab live search shows every alcohol and drug rehab in Thanet. We will provide you will comprehesive information about each facility and help you make the most informed decision on what is best for your recovery.

Drug & Alcohol Rehab Centres in Thanet

Across the UK, the problem of substance abuse is ubiquitous. It does not matter whether you live in a large city or a small village; if people use substances such as alcohol and drugs, the risk of addiction is always present. In the Kent district of Thanet, many individuals live under the weight of addiction every single day. This is an illness that can spiral out of control and destroy lives unless the affected individuals reach out for help from one of the various providers of drug or alcohol rehab in Thanet.

Addiction is like almost every other illness in that it can affect absolutely anyone, but where it differs from some other illnesses is that it will not go away by itself. Without treatment, the condition of those affected by addiction will worsen. Their need for drugs or alcohol will get stronger and stronger until it has entirely consumed them and they can think of nothing but this need. The only way to treat an addiction for most individuals is with alcohol or drug rehab in Thanet and beyond.

The fact that so many people are failing to access the addiction services they need is the reason exists. We understand there are several reasons why this happens, and we want to ensure that we do everything we can to help those who need treatment.

Do You Need Drug or Alcohol Rehab in Thanet?

One of the biggest obstacles to addiction recovery is denial. This is common among those with addiction, with most addicts unable to see how serious their substance abuse is. We often receive phone calls from concerned loved ones who believe that a family member has a drug or alcohol addiction. They will tell us that their loved one is refusing to acknowledge the situation and that they do not know what to do about it.

We also get calls from some who have made contact because of pressure from concerned loved ones. They will make it clear from the outset that they ‘do not have a problem’ and that the only reason they have called is to keep the peace. What we often find is that once they have a chat with one of our fully qualified advisors, they will conclude that they could actually benefit from drug or alcohol rehab in Thanet and beyond.

We understand that it can be difficult to accept a diagnosis of addiction. The truth is that the person with the illness is often the last to realise. He or she is incapable of seeing the damage their substance abuse is causing, and some find it easier to deny the problem because they fear they will be judged if they ask for help.

We will never judge you; many of our staff have been where you are now. They know exactly how you are feeling and the struggles you are facing in coming to terms with your illness. Call now to speak to one of our advisors about your options.

Get help for yourself, a friend or loved one.

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Call Now: 0203 553 0324

Call Now: 0203 553 0324

We Can Help You Find Rehab in Thanet

Locating alcohol and drug rehab in Thanet or anywhere else in the UK is what we do. It is our mission to help those who need help for addiction with those that provide it. We can help you too if you let us. All you need to do right now is pick up the phone and give us a call. We will then start working on your behalf to find a suitable rehab in Thanet for you.

The first thing that will happen when you call us will be a fully comprehensive assessment of your illness to help us determine how serious it is. This evaluation will consist of a series of questions about the substance you have been abusing, how often you use it, and how long you have been struggling. With this information, we can determine how severe your illness is, which will allow us to get an idea of the type of treatment that would suit you best.

We will also look at several other factors including your health, home and work commitments, your preferences, and your budget. This will give us a clear picture of your circumstances and allow us to match you to the perfect rehab provider.

We want to assure you that we have been helping addicts to access treatments for addiction for a long time. With our knowledge and experience in this field, we know which providers specialise in which addictions. We have a close relationship with many of the organisations in your area and can, therefore, find the best rehab for your needs; all in a matter of minutes.


Featured Drug and Alcohol Rehabs in Thanet

There are various types of rehab centres available in Thanet, including inpatient alcohol rehab, luxury alcohol rehab, and private drug rehabs.

Luxury Alcohol Rehab


Private Drug Rehab


Inpatient Rehab


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    • Access to Hundreds of Drug & Alcohol Rehab Centres
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      Call Now 0203 553 0324

    Types of Rehab in Thanet

    Rehab programmes are almost always inpatient- or outpatient-based and are provided by organisations such as the NHS, local counsellors, local support groups, charities and private clinics. Your needs will determine the type of programme you choose, but here at, we will typically refer clients to residential programmes as these have such a high rate of success. Nevertheless, we know that not everyone can access an inpatient programme for various reasons, and where residential treatment is inappropriate or impossible, we will refer clients to an outpatient programme instead.

    Inpatient programmes offer an intensive treatment plan that runs for a period of up to eight weeks, and during this time, the patient will stay in the clinic. Days will be taken up with counselling and therapy sessions as well as other activities. Patients do not have to worry about distractions from the outside world and can spend the duration of the programme concentrating on their recovery.

    Outpatient programmes do not require an overnight stay and vary in length depending on how many treatment hours the patient has each week. While many experts believe that inpatient treatment is the best choice for most, some think that the fact that those in outpatient programmes must tackle their recovery while also dealing with their everyday life will make for a stronger recovery.

    For further information on rehab providers in Thanet, contact today.

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    UK Addiction Treatment Group.

    We look forward to helping you take your first step.

    0203 553 0324