St Ives rehabs

The UK’s #1 ADDICTION HELPLINE rehab live search shows every alcohol and drug rehab in St Ives. We will provide you will comprehesive information about each facility and help you make the most informed decision on what is best for your recovery.

Drug & Alcohol Rehab Centres in St Ives

In the small town of St Ives in Cornwall, you might not expect problems such as drug and alcohol abuse to exist, but similarly to every other town and city in the UK, these are problems that many residents have to deal with on a daily basis. Excessive alcohol consumption is a major issue for many people, but because this is a legal substance, it can be hard to accept that it is dangerous. However, alcohol can be extremely harmful to health when abused, and it is, therefore, necessary for alcohol rehab in St Ives to be readily and easily accessible for those living in the town, if and when they need it.

Illegal drugs and prescription medication are also prone to abuse and can lead to violent crimes and health problems for those affected. In fact, both drug and alcohol abuse are leading causes of premature death across the country, and with many hospital admissions caused by alcohol or drug abuse, it is easy to see why alcohol and drug rehab in St Ives are so necessary.

At, we work hard to make these services available to those that need them. We know that finding the right rehab provider can be an overwhelming task, particularly when you are also dealing with the effects of addiction. It is our mission to connect those who need addiction services with the organisations providing them.

Do You Need Alcohol or Drug Rehab?

One of the most difficult parts of the recovery journey is accepting that the addiction exists in the first place. When it comes to abusing substances such as alcohol or prescription medication, it can be even more difficult to come to terms with the fact that you could have a physical dependence.

This is because most have an idea of what an alcohol or drug addict is. They may believe that a drug addict is someone with ties to the criminal underworld, or someone that injects illegal drugs down dark alleyways. When it comes to alcoholics, these same individuals may believe that the affected persons drink from the moment they wake up each morning or that they spend their days sitting on park benches drinking cheap alcohol from bottles wrapped in brown paper bags.

It is this negative stereotyping of addiction that often prevents individuals from believing that they could be affected. It also stops them from reaching out for help. Nevertheless, the reality is that those affected by drug addiction and alcoholism are often just like everyone else and, to the outside world, they may even appear to have a perfect life.

Addiction is not about how much you drink or how often you take drugs; it is about how much control you have over your use of these substances. If you feel that you do not have control over your drug taking or drinking, you may have a problem and be in need of drug or alcohol rehab in St Ives.

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Call Now: 0203 553 0324

Call Now: 0203 553 0324

Helping You to Access Drug and Alcohol Rehab in St Ives

Think about your drug or alcohol use and whether you believe you could use some professional help. If you do, then contact us here at immediately. The longer you delay, the worse your situation will become. Addiction is a progressive illness, and it will not go away by itself if you simply ignore it.

You do not have to find rehab services in your area alone – we are here to help. We work closely with treatment providers in all regions of the UK and can connect you with the most suitable organisation depending on your needs and circumstances.

We will determine your treatment needs by providing you with a free assessment that will include questions about your substance use and your general health. We will also want to know if you have any work or family commitments that could affect the type of treatment you can choose.

Please remember that we are an organisation with patient safety and comfort being our number one priority. We want you to be completely comfortable with your choice of treatment provider and we will take your preferences into account when making any recommendations. We will never pressure you into choosing a particular provider if you are uncomfortable with it.

Benefit of Private Rehab in St Ives

Rehab in St Ives is provided by many different organisations, including the NHS, local support groups, charities and private clinics. While most people would probably want to know more about free services provided by the NHS, it is important to be aware that these services are heavily subscribed.

This means that there is often a waiting time, which could be detrimental to your recovery. In most instances, it is better to begin treatment as soon as you have made the decision to change your life. That is why, for the most part, we will always look to private clinics in the first instance, if appropriate. There are many benefits to choosing private addiction treatment, including the following:

  • Possibility of admission within 24-48 hours, so no delay where the patient can change his or her mind
  • Private clinics offer bespoke treatment plans designed around the specific needs of the individual
  • Staff at a private clinic will have experience when it comes to dealing with a range of issues relating to addiction
  • A private residential clinic will be comfortable and luxurious, meaning that the patient will not have to worry about anything other than his or her recovery
  • Private clinics are free from distraction, allowing patients to focus entirely on getting better.


Featured Drug and Alcohol Rehabs in St Ives

There are various types of rehab centres available in St Ives, including inpatient alcohol rehab, luxury alcohol rehab, and private drug rehabs.

Luxury Alcohol Rehab


Private Drug Rehab


Inpatient Rehab


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    Other Rehab Options

    There is more to addiction rehabilitation than private residential clinics; at, we understand that not everyone can afford this type of care. In addition, residential care may not be the best choice for your requirements. If you have family and work commitments that prevent you from being away from home for several weeks at a time, you would benefit more from an outpatient programme where you can attend counselling and therapy sessions on a day care basis. For more information about rehab in St Ives, contact us here at today.

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    0203 553 0324